Minimalist Light & Retro

Minimalist Light & Retro

Neutral, White, Black

Minimalist, Modern, Retro

Minimalist Light & Retro

Step into the world of artistic purity with essential and subtle retro details. White is one of the most popular and powerful color used in interior design because it is seen as a perfect blank canvas. If you add some black in a design style from the 50s, you get a nostalgic feeling of lighting the space and timelessness. Together with the rounded details, it gives the whole a fresh but classic look.

If you have white and cream furniture from brands such as Artifort, B&B Italia, Cappellini, Minotti and Poltrona Frau, and you want to combine it with black and sisal carpets in a minimalist and retro style, you have a beautiful basis for a stylish and timeless interior. This combination of neutral colours and natural materials creates a calm and clean atmosphere and can easily be complemented with other colours and accessories.

Another way to give the space a little more life is to add plants. Choose different types of plants in different sizes and colors to make the whole thing a little more exciting. Plants can also help to make the space a little cozier and freshen the air.

If you want the space to have an extra luxurious look, you can also play with shiny materials, such as gold or silver. This will make the space stand out even more and create an exclusive atmosphere. Also, don't forget to adjust the lighting to match the atmosphere you want to create. For example, choose warm, cozy lamps to make the room even cozier.

Finally, you can also play with accessories to complete the space. Look for fun vases, candle holders, and other decorative elements that match the minimalist and retro style of the space. This way you can customize your living space to your own taste and create a unique and stylish atmosphere.

Artifort, B&B Italia, Bonacina
Cappellini, Flos, Humanscale
Kastel, Materia, Minotti
Poltrona Frau

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